Tag: FWC

A Cautionary Tale for Employers – Case Study of Pece Calovski v Opal Packaging Australia Pty Ltd [2024] FWC 1717  

The Fair Work Commission reinstated Mr. Calovski, an Opal Packaging employee, after finding his dismissal for misconduct lacked procedural fairness.... Continue reading

Fire Technician’s Risky Return: Dismissal Justified by WHS Violations 

The Fair Work Commission upheld the dismissal of Mr. Doherty from Defend Fire Services due to a serious breach of... Continue reading

Successful Vote Decisive Despite Absence of Good Faith Bargaining – For Now

In Application by SDA for a bargaining order re Sephora Australia Pty Ltd [2024] FWC 1225 (Deputy President Bell, 13 May 2024), despite... Continue reading

Australian Federal Court Decision Clarifies Employer Obligations During Restructuring and Redundancy – subject to special leave application – subject to appeal

Key Takeaways for Employers   Helensburgh Coal Pty Ltd v Bartley [2024], a recent decision of the Full Federal Court of... Continue reading

Casual Conversion onus moving to Employees

There are just over three months from the implementation of changes to the definition of casual employee and the introduction... Continue reading